Our Goals

Green Team 2021 New Goals:

In our efforts to make Scholars' Academy a more sustainable environment we will focus on the following goals:

Build our Base

Encourage more students, parents, and staff members to get involved.


Educate as many people (students, staff members, our community, and our parent body) as possible through videos, workshops, protests, events, Green Team mtgs, etc.

Build our Network

We already have strong relationships with the NYC Sustainability Department, our school's administration and our custodian staff. We also aim to develop stronger relationships with our kitchen staff, our Parent Association, our local politicians and businesses in our community.


Promote small sustainable changes that we can make in our community.

Make Small Changes

Our neighbourhood is right in the middle of the climate change conversation. We want to document and record the effects of climate change from the past and present, namely the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy.