About Us

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Meet our Leaders

HS President

Hi! I’m Charlotte and I am the high school president of the Green Team. I’ve been involved with the GT since 6th grade and I am so happy to continue to work with such incredible people this year to achieve our goals. The Green Team has sparked a passion within me for sustainability and the environment that is rivaled by very few things; I will always be grateful for how much I learned and the friendships I’ve made. I’m so excited for this year and can’t wait to make more amazing memories!

MS President

Hello everyone! My name is Mia C. and I am the GT Middle School President. I have been with the Green Team since September of 2020 and I'm currently in the 8th grade. Ever since I was the Website Coordinator, I have become increasingly passionate about sustainability and loved watching our GT flourish and grow. My favorite memories from the past year are those of meetings with the GT and in-person events such as STEAM Night. I cannot wait to make more memories with you all this upcoming year! See you at our next meeting!

Media Team Member

Hi! My name is Michaela Manekas and I am in 8th grade. I am on the Media team and I do the morning messages for the Green Team. I'm super excited to do Leadership this year and to be fully back in person.

GT Video Maker

Hi everyone! My name is Syeda and I am currently an 8th grader. I have been a part of the Green Team since the end of sixth grade and I have been able to make so many memories with it. The Green Team is one of the core parts of the Scholars’ community and is a perfect display of the school community :) It feels nice to be a part of something in the school and for it to be for a good cause! I hope this year the Green Team still is a substantial part of the Scholars’ community and can help out in many ways!

Leadership Team Member

Hey! I'm Imran Khan and I'm in 702. I am part of this year's Green Team Leadership Team. I will be working in partnership with Angela B. and the rest of the leaders. I am really excited and honored to be working with the Green Team to help out the environment. Before I joined the green team I had no idea how to garden and what happens to the compost and where it goes. Some of my hobbies are helping my community, drinking Red Bull, and dirt biking!! Fun fact about me: I love wearing suits on dress-down days!

GT Video Maker

I am Anthony G., a leader of the Green Team. Some of my hobbies are fishing, sports playing, cooking, video making, and my most favorite of all is skiing. I look forward to the new school year now 100% in person. I am excited for a new year of the Green Team.

GT Blogger

Hi! I’m Uma H. and I am currently in class 804. I used to be a Green Team blogger for the GT website and am now a data collector and a student leader in the Green Team club. I have been involved in the green team ever since the 6th grade and have loved every minute of it. It teaches you leadership skills and the leadership team is like a second family. Ever since I’ve become part of the team, I have become more and more passionate about a sustainable and ethical world and hope that one day all our goals will come true! I am so excited about what we have in store this year!

Leadership Team Member

Hi! My name is Cecilia and I'm in 701. I'm in the Leadership Team this year. Some of my hobbies are playing and riding my bike. I wanted to join GT because it gave me the opportunity to garden. I'm excited for this school year.

Media Team Member

Mr. Santos is one of the Green Team's newest members and Scholars' Academy's newest teachers. He has experience working with resiliency projects in Puerto Rico as well as local clean-up projects in the Nassau and Queens areas. His passion for a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle drew him to the wonderful projects that the Green Team is known for.

1. Teacher Advisor

I'm Mr. Bradley. I teach 6th grade STEAM, which is all sustainability work. I love everything "green" and being a dad.

2. Teacher Advisor

Hi everyone! My name is Ms.Newman & I am an assistant Advisor to our Green Team. I grew up here in Rockaway Beach and love nature & the outdoors. As a coastal community it is so important to me that we educate and work together to preserve our community-that is why I have joined the Green Team here at Scholars'. I am so excited to meet new members and to continue to take the necessary steps to preserve our planet together!

Our Story

NYCDOE Sustainability

When was the Green Team founded and how is it connected to the DOE Office of Sustainability?

The NYC Office of Sustainability (NYCOS) requires each school to have a sustainability coordinator. Mr. Bradley volunteered to take over this position at The Scholars’ Academy. (Please note that most people don't want this responsibility on their shoulders). Sustainability coordinators are offered professional development and a mentor. Mr. Bradley took everything that NYCOS offered him.

As part of his professional development, he was encouraged to build teams and structures within his school. The Green Team (GT) was the start of this. The GT was officially founded in Sep. of 2017.

The NYCOS then continue to offer training, grants, networking events, and general support.

“The NYC Office of Sustainability is outstanding!!!” says Mr. Bradley.

How difficult was it to start (ex. recycling culture, getting materials, funding, etc.)?

Start: Right from the beginning, starting a sustainability program was very easy. Scholars' administration support was part this success. Founding Principal Mr. O’Connell was super supportive of this new program. Aside from that, Mr. Bradley’s work aligned very nicely with the development of the Scholars' STEAM program. Mrs. Smyth, current principal, assigned a program that was 50% Sustainability classes. Due to this fact, Mr. Bradley taught every 6th grade class, two periods a week, sustainability.

Funding: In the beginning, the school administration paid for the recycling materials (including tilt trucks, the colored bins, a shed). Then, the Office of Sustainability awarded the school a $5K grant each year. In addition to that, the school’s Parent Association allows Mr. Bradley to use some of the money assigned for science. Since money is always needed, “I am constantly applying for grants,” says Mr. Bradley.

Recycling Culture: Starting a new recycling culture at Scholars’ was very pleasurable and rewarding. The staff and students welcomed a recycling culture with open arms. Before the pandemic, the Green Team was having clean streams of recycling in every classroom and office, and their dining room.

The systems already in place in their school and their school culture made the Green Team work easier.

Image describing challenges

How did the pandemic affect the program and how the GT faced those challenges?

Things were running smoothly. But then, the GT had to face major challenges. As soon as Covid broke out, the Green Team stopped composting and recycling, for health and safety related reasons. After a year of stressing pause, the Green Team have partially started their composting again but they currently don't recycle.

The GT also stopped all gardening work. It set them back for sure. But it has forced them to examine other avenues. “We now have a GT leadership team and monthly meetings for our full GT” says Mr. Bradley. “We have had guest speakers and an average attendance of about 25 students at each meeting (50 when we were fully remote)” he continues. “We have a very hard working and skilled webmaster in our team. Our website looks amazing! We have also been producing GT videos to document our work and educate our team, you can view these videos on our Vimeo Showcase”.

The Green Team have also strengthened their partnership with the Waterside School. The Scholars’ Green Team won a grant and it paid for the Waterside School to have a high end compost system installed. When students return to school in Sep., Scholars’ GT students will train their students on how to compost. This will allow the Waterside students to join the Scholars’ GT meetings via Zoom.

Target image with three green paper airplanes

What are the current and future goals of the GT?

When asked about the current and future goals of the Green Team, Mr. Bradley expressed that he does too much of the work. “I am the only person who knows the details of each of our programs,” says Mr. Bradley. “Our GT is too reliant on me. This is not boosting, it is not a good thing.”

For this reason, his number one goal is to find parents and staff members who will learn the systems. And also get more HS students actively involved since Scholars’ HS student participation is very low. However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. This will be the first year where long-standing GT members will be entering HS, Mr. Bradley hopes that the transition of these students from MS to HS will increase involvement.

“With more HS involvement, I can train them on how our systems work and they can pass it on,” says Mr. Bradley. “Older students are needed.”

Green Team 2022 Goals

In our efforts to make Scholars' Academy a more sustainable environment we will focus on the following goals:

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Build our Base

Encourage more students, parents, and staff members to get involved.

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Promote small sustainable changes that we can make in our community.

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Educate as many people (in our student body/community) as possible through our outreach efforts, and measure this participation and involvement from our website's "Clicker Count." We would like to reach 10,000 clicks by the end of the year!

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Build our Network

We already have strong relationships with the NYC Sustainability Department and our school's administration and custodial staff. We are aiming to develop stronger relationships with our kitchen staff, our PTA, our local politicians and businesses in our community.

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Make Small Changes

Our neighbourhood is right in the middle of the climate change conversation. We want to document and record the effects of climate change from the past and present, namely the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy.